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The opportunities of a disaster

When earthquake came from the Cobquecura's depht, I was holidaying in Cauquenes, near to the first location. We were visiting my uncle priest Pepe in his house.
Until 3 30 am, I had been watching "Titanic", with the dramatic scenes of the last moments aboard of the boat. Leonardo DiCaprio is rescued by Kate Winslet but they seem to struggle against the death each second, while many people fall and lost the life.
Suddenly, all in the dining room was moving, and I wondered if the special features would be so real!
Came the darkness and only listened cracks of glasses and ceramics, the trambling of the earth from the depht; I felt my legs as gelatin, and scared I got under the table.
Then, once that earthquake had passed, I called to my family so restless, cause my brother and my sister were in the second floor, and my uncle slept near to the living room in the first floor, where i was, too. My mother had been taking some coffee in the garden, and we met when my brethren lowered, safe thanks god.
The replicas were consistent in following days, and we had to sleep outside cause the house was unsafe. The damages were countless and we tried to help people and friends of the village.
All our friends were safe, in Constitution, Linares, Colbún, Melozal, etc.
So, we decided return to Santiago, stopping at Linares one night. The roads were really bad, and had a delayed of five or six hours, double the usual.
This part of the story I wish to dedicate to thousand of victims, especially of Cauquenes, very good people, simple and sweet. In worst moments people show you that human heart is so big and can get out in search of others.
How I tried to help as an ordinary citizen and I went to Lolol as volunteer? It will be for other time.


Hola, Ciao, Hallo, Salut, Hi!
I am Mateo.
I was born in Santigo, Chile (an occidental South America's country), twenty years ago, when people chose democratic way after seventeen years of dictatorship led by selfish persons whose preferred save dignity of the Republic and their properties, cuting heads and not counting them...
Currently, I am studing Law, and I think this blog can be suitable to share some ideas and likes with other people.
I like books, movies, coffees, and more than all, be with my family and friends.