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The entire world has been since ancient times only a tool for men. I am not really sure that the center of the issue is about environmental... I think that many times it is used only to win political (lato sensu) positions and not to ameliorate the conditions of life of persons; always we must take care about too popular beliefs, and even suspect of fads that are contradictory when are compared ideas and practices.
In the recent film of Cameron it's reflected a poetic view (in front) of this issue: it is better to convert to or assume yourself as an extraterrestrial than share the misery generated by human selfishness.
The limits are beyond endurance to carry a banner to be defending the rights of my dog, because if I accept that, I agree that my dog is over that millions of people worse off than my dog, and on my list of values or scale of priorities, all important places I keep to objects that revolve around me. The same when I demand a better deal for whales, because it wouldn't have anything of wrong if this was the unique that remains. So, an innocent slogan can have something else, as a perverse contradiction hidden behind a redundancy, which is at leas treat to environmental like a treat different being, yet behave as if the only thing that mattered to us were we, accepting once and other when we say it is for our children.
Well, I think that finally, as in Pandora, there isn't limits to defend in the time of true, although sometimes one to be a really son of bitch.
The only truth in Ecology today, is that environmental means retain to me and deny resources to others, the question of gentlemen: money, and, between you and me, I am not very interested there.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post Mateo, different ideas that lead to one. Although you have to watch it with the grammar.Anyway I enjoy reading your posts.

