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Editorial Jurídica

Today I want to talk you about www.editoriajuridica.cl, a website specialized on all the fields of Law in Chile, starting with the codes of Republic, continuing the comments of the most renowned jurisconsults, and ending with the most important of jurisprudence of courts.
As student, I must be informed of the last advances in the scope of Law, cause it is a set of rules of our community for the attainment of values, directed by principles and which have the function of secondary safeguard the respect for the norms of behavior in a just society.


  1. I agree with your description of the website, but I believe that as editorial it is better legal Publishing. That you believe?

  2. Sorry cause the delay; really I dont care very much editorials as websites (you are the master, master!), still I am a amorous of real paper...
